One Bedroom Apartment Rentals

One Bedroom Apartment Rentals

10575 Westpark Drive
Southwest Houston, TX 77042
(832) 426-1048
f: (713) 781-0576


As with all one bedroom apartment rentals, they should include a bedroom with a closet and a door that closes (along with a window), a separate living room area, at least one separate bathroom many luxury one-bedroom apartment rentals styles include an additional half-bath, usually off the living room or front hall or foyer), and, often, a separate kitchen. However, as is the case in many studio and junior one bedroom apartments, the kitchen can be open and running along one wall of the living area, particularly when the apartment is on the smaller size.

The advantages in terms of the one bedroom apartment layout versus a studio apartment floor plan are clear: even with the same square footage, the one-bedroom apartment automatically offers you more privacy, and more clearly delineates the space, making decorating a one-bedroom apartment, even one that, at first glance, appears tiny, a far simpler task. Also, if you work from home, either as a full-time job or even just occasionally at night and on weekends, it helps psychologically to have your office space–your computer and printer and files and supplies–in a separate environment from your sleeping space. Most couples and singles prefer a 1 bedroom over a studio, especially for entertaining guests, who won’t have to sit on your bed in order to hang out. If you cook a lot at home, it’s also nice to have the kitchen area separate from your sleeping area, so that food odors don’t settle on your duvet cover. There is also less “running into each other” when maneuvering through a one bedroom as opposed to a smaller apartment, and couples find they can get a little more privacy if one of them can be, say, reading in the bedroom while the other watches TV in the living room.

One Bedroom Apartment Rentals

Roommates sharing a one bedroom apartment is a fairly common occurrence situation, with one person getting the bedroom; the other the living area. Many couples with older children and, especially, single or divorced parents, also make full use of both rooms for sleeping, often with the adult(s) getting the “official” bedroom, and the kids making do with a futon, a pull-out couch, or a pull-down Murphy bed. In some apartments a temporary wall are often used, that divide the living area into a small living space, and a small bedroom. These room dividers are usually free standing. Most apartment communities have strict rules on modifying a one bedroom apartment but a free standing dividers works well.

10575 Westpark Drive
Southwest Houston, TX 77042
(832) 426-1048
f: (713) 781-0576
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
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